Solidus is also fighting the Patriots' strict information control over the masses their systems prevent him from being able to pass his memes to future generations. Each clone was made sterile so that they would not bear children, and there would be no more than three carrying the genes of Big Boss.

The main antagonist, Solidus Snake (a third 'perfect' clone of Big Boss) is fighting against a group called the Patriots who were responsible for creating him, as well as Solid Snake and Liquid Snake.

At the end of the game, it is revealed that Raiden has been a test subject for the S3 Plan: A recreation of the Shadow Moses Incident (from Metal Gear Solid).

In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the main theme is MEME. By the end of the game, Naomi Hunter, (who has always studied genes to find out more about herself) comes to the conclusion that genes do not define you as a person, and the fact that Snake is a clone is not important for him to define himself - rather, you should enjoy your life instead of worrying about your genes. Liquid Snake follows his genes and is what Snake could have become. The game's main antagonist Liquid Snake (Solid Snake's brother and polar opposite) wants Big Boss' body to save the Genome Soldiers from a genetic disease. Throughout the game, it is said that everyone is bound to their genes and to fate and that the only thing that matters is passing on genes to the next generation. In Metal Gear Solid, the main theme is GENE. He also implied that this was ultimately the reason why Big Boss himself portrayed Ishmael and not Huey Emmerich as had originally been intended since the latter would have ultimately been biased towards an American perspective. In an interview with Famitsu, Kenji Yano explained that one of the themes for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain involved America being the enemy as well as the story's equivalent of the titular whale from Moby-Dick. Kojima also implied twice that, at least until the release of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, he intended to question America's role in the world as a theme. The Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater official guide by Piggyback speculated that the games overall story carry several implicit parallels to Nietzschean philosophy, specifically Friedrich Nietzsche's 'The Eternal Return of the Same.' By the end of the game, the themes lead to a conclusion. Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has said that the themes are messages that can be passed on to the next generation. These themes play an important part in the game's story. In the Metal Gear series, there are themes in most of the canonical Metal Gear games. If you can't wait, download this great Metal Gear Solid Ground. Great Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Windows 7 Theme.