I believe there USED to be a checkbox I could check/clear that said "Use Presenter View". To stop Presenter View once the slide show has started: On the top left corner of the Presenter View screen, click. within the zoom meeting, share screen and select the powerpoint application play your presentation then change it to presenter mode click The slides are meant to enhance your spoken words, not replace them, so try switching between slides and your camera. it is important that I can get this setup just right A windowed presentation can be selected as an input option for a virtual camera or other service which lets you choose to display a selected running program. Used the "Presenter View" so that I had one view (with notes) and the class saw only the presentation. When I go to Set Up Show, I have 3 show types: It seems others have had the same problem: In these COVID-19 days when my normal mode of presentation has moved from classroom projector to Webex, it is important that I can get this setup just right As a result, both your personal computer screen and the projector screen show the slide show.

This version of PowerPoint defaults to "Presenter View" when the software becomes aware that a projector is attached to the laptop. Slide navigation pane: A thumbnail view of previous and upcoming slides in your deck is displayed at the bottom of the screen.Control-Left Arrow and Control-Right Arrow move you between desktops so you can actually switch back and forth with the presenter view if you want. Font: Change the font size of your notes.To switch from Active Speaker View, tap Switch to Gallery View in the upper-left corner of the Zoom window.PowerPoint Notes: PowerPoint provides the option to add individual notes to each slide which help you with your presentation.Next slide: In this field, you can view the next slide.Other options: You can set additional options such as “white screen” (an alternative to the black screen).Black-out screen: This button lets you pause a projection on the second monitor, which is blacked out as a consequence.Magnify: Use the magnifier to enlarge parts of a slide.Show all slides: This function allows you to view all sorted slides to jump to the right one quickly.Mark pointer & slides: The pointer lets you point at elements in a slide.Current slide: View the currently shown slide here.

The clock is shown on the right side of the window. Timer & time: The timer shows you how long you have been presenting for.Menu: The menu pane includes the option to “Show taskbar,” “Display settings,” and “End slide show.” Showing the taskbar can be useful if you need to swap between applications during a presentation.